As many of you may know, we have been preparing since before Covid for several much-needed building and safety upgrades. But after the pandemic hit, as so many businesses, we found ourselves trying to build our school numbers back up to where they could be before the pandemic limited our class enrollment sizes and therefore our funds. We knew we had to be safe with our funds and at times even rely on a bit of our savings to remain open for all of our wonderful families. We thankfully made it out of the pandemic very safety and successfully, and were blessed to remain open throughout. We now also continue to be careful in the usage of all school funds just to be safe until things continue to hopefully normalize.
This year however, we finally were able to begin our remodeling and safety upgrade journey, which included new entry doors and school entry system, new flooring upstairs and new paint throughout the school building, playground safety modifications coming soon, and more. However, with bumps along the way that often come with an older building, we did spend a bit more than we had planned during our first round of renovations-- a necessary but unfortunate issue. This means we are stopping further renovations in phase 2 for the time being as to not deplete or further lower our savings.
Recently we have had both school families and people from the church inquire about how they could possibly help or donate towards our school efforts and upgrades. So, in turn we have decided to dedicate a section of our school website to list and discuss things we have already accomplished, as well as future endeavors we have planned. That way individuals can know what they are donating towards and apply it as they see fit. Below you will find out more information about our projects, wish lists, and ways you can donate. Thank you for your time, and we appreciate all our families have done for our school community! May we all continue to flourish together, may our students be blessed with not only the best teachers but the best school environment for ALL learners, and may we continue to make a difference in our students lives AND our community!